Lack of visibility on how well, or at all, your LinkedIn posts are driving new leads and revenue. You could be leaving money on the table.
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Should you and/or your team spend more time on LinkedIn organic posts? Without conversion data, it's challenging to see if you're wasting valuable time.
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Do You Know What Topics are Generating Leads?
No insights on what topics are driving your audience to become leads or convert.
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Scraping Users from LinkedIn
Scraping likes and comments without analytics provides no insights into what is working.
Using Engagement Metrics
Engagement and impression data are focused at the top of the funnel and often do not correlate with conversion rates or lead generation.
Simply Guessing
Most organizations guess at what posts or topics are working, leading to wasted effort and poor social content performance.
Track Leads from LinkedIn Posts
Determine what current and historic LinkedIn posts are generating revenue or leads.
Determine Revenue Generating Topics
View the pipeline generated from common post topics.
Auto-Suggested High ROI Topics
Easily create LinkedIn posts from potential high ROI topics.
Yanai Ganis
I've seen so many founders struggle to get a predictable and sustainable pipeline. Mexture is perefct to see what topics are reasonating with users and what posts we should write to generate leads.
Mapalo Lukashi
I've worked with many founders developing go-to-market strategies. I increasingly see that LinkedIn and LinkedIn posts are amazing channels for generating leads. Yet there is very limited tracking for conversions. Only top-of-funnel metrics such as impressions are available.
Alexandre Poulin
Looking beyond impressions in paramount. The fact there is a weak to no link between impressions and leads means you need to look deeper to see what's working.
What is Mexture?
Is it easy to connect?
Do I need URL in my LinkedIn posts?
Will Mexture cause any issues with my LinkedIn account?
Will Mexture cause my account to be flagged or banned in LinkedIn?